
A sixteen week journey into the depths of divine union...

Your Guides,

The Medicine Couple


Become the Alchemist
of Your Relationship

Break free from patterns keeping you stuck in  relationship entanglements or trauma bonds by alchemizing this. 

Release small stories of blame and shame that you project onto yourself and your partner.

Learn how to master self-love and interdependence within, and learn how to cultivate a divine union with healthy boundaries. 

Heal your inner child, move out of fear/separation/co-dependence and into trust, love and co-creation with yourself and your partner.


Are you ready embark on this deep healing journey?

Love Alchemy Membership "LAM"

"LAM" is the mantra for the root chakra frequency.

A Symbolic Rite of Passage

Everything begins at the root. 

LAM serves as the guiding mantra for aligning with the root chakra frequency, recognizing that everything in life begins at the root.

By delving into the core issues of our existence, especially within intimate relationships, we embark on a transformative journey of healing childhood wounds and breaking patterns that bind us to the past.

Addressing the root allows for fostering true healing and conscious connection.

In this journey, we consciously create a container for mature and divine unions, responding to challenges with love rather than reacting in unhealthy ways.

Participants are encouraged to reflect on areas of life that are out of alignment and identify relationship aspects in need of support, as well as to explore what needs transformation and transmutation in the present moment.

Love Alchemy

The concept of love alchemy extends the transformative journey, emphasizing the power of love in returning to one's authentic nature and fostering unity, thus contributing to spiritual evolution by turning challenges into opportunities for growth and connection.

When the term "love alchemy" is used, it typically refers to the idea that love has the power to transform individuals, relationships, and even the world. It suggests that love has a transformative and almost magical quality, similar to the way alchemists sought to 

transform metal into gold.

The Four Pillars of
Love Alchemy

This Sacred Container is a LIVE Online Group Membership
Where We Will Meet Weekly on Zoom

Explore and understand our own emotions, desires, and authentic selves.

Self Exploration


Relationship Enhancement

Improve your relationship with your partner through communication, empathy, and fostering a deeper connection.

Transformative Love

Experience the transformative power of love by  healing past wounds and achieving a higher state of unity consciousness.

Overcoming Challenges

Learn strategies to navigate difficulties in relationships, viewing them as opportunities for personal and mutual evolution.

The four-month journey, commencing Mid May, and concluding mid September 2024


Provides a structured opportunity for couples and individuals to receive tools, break old patterns, and engage in inner work for mutual healing and growth. 

11:00AM-12:30PM Sunday Sessions

Includes teaching transmissions, hot seat coaching, group reflections and sharing, offering a comprehensive exploration of topics vital to all relationships.

See what CLIENTS have to say!

Before meeting Karina and Kike, I was working on myself a lot. Yet, I wasn’t feeling grounded and was struggling to feel at peace. In terms of my relationship, we were struggling to feel connected, getting annoyed with each other and feeling misaligned. 

I had resisted couples therapy for months because I didn’t feel like working with a traditional couples therapist would benefit us. But after doing the conscious couples ceremony with Karina and Kike, we were ALL IN!

Through the work we did with Karina and Kike, I feel a lot more empowered to express my feelings and I learned safe ways to express my resentment towards my partner that allowed me to heal my wounds.

My partner and I are definitely in a much better place and are now engaged to be married. We are more communicative. We have both willingly changed our behaviours to address the resentments that we had for each other. 

I would highly recommend for everyone to work with Karina and Kike. They created an extremely safe space for us to express ourselves and work on our relationship in-sessions and stay accountable throughout the duration of the container.

When we met Karina and Kike, my relationship of 10 years was struggling. My partner had been growing in a different direction and I had remained stagnant, which distanced us. We were not each other's best friends anymore and bottled many resentments.

We fought and bickered a lot. I imagined I was abandoned and that my partner was ready to call it quits after 10 years. I created small stories of betrayal that clouded my thoughts. The tools such as the forgiveness mantra helped us create a safe space to forgive and love each other again.

We worked through our emotions and ended up clearing the air to give the relationship a new and better foundation. I was able to release resentments and the small stories I created by taking responsibility and healing my own wounds. Karina and Kike are easy to talk to and quickly became our trusted and unbiased advisors. They have a wealth of knowledge in avoiding relationship pitfalls and cultivating a conscious relationship and divine union.

I recommend Karina and Kike for all relationships and individuals at any stages. Now that things are better in our relationship, I would recommend doing on-going sessions with them to avoid slipping back into past patterns that do not serve us. 




Live Weekly Sessions 

Themes + Topics

Cultivate a conscious relationship & divine/sacred union

Master self-love & interdependence

Cultivate presence & patience

Connect to the frequency of gratitude/appreciation & love

Master speaking your truth and expressing your needs & desires from a place of respect and love. 

Cultivate the habit of implementing check-ins to create depth/intimacy

Overcome doubt, insecurity or fear within your relationship with yourself and your partner

Move away from an anxious or an avoidant attachment style into a secure attachment style

Heal at the root by bringing self-awareness to our childhood wounds & triggers that surface in relationship

Master taking emotional responsibility to avoid projecting onto or blaming your partner

Recognize and accept how our partner is our mirror

Master handling conflict by responding with love rather than reacting with rage, sadness or by avoiding emotions/closing off.

Master conscious communication through authentic relating tools and practices

Create deeper intimacy and safety through tantric tools to practice with your partner

Create deeper trust and respect within your relationship by embodying divine union 

Practice forgiveness by letting go of past resentments and healing on a deep cellular level

This is for the couple that is already in a relationship.

This is for the individual already in a relationship that would like to join on their own to do the inner work. 

This is for both the couple or individual that is open to mastering how to embody divine union within themselves and within their relationship. 

This transformative experience is designed for both couples and individuals committed to investing time and effort into their individual inner work, releasing narratives that no longer serve their highest good.

The Sacred Work involves gaining new perspectives on cultivating a conscious divine union, drawing from the curated and tested wisdom shared by facilitators, healers and guides who have traversed their own transformative journeys.

This is an invitation to embrace a conscious, divine union and embark on a new beginning in 2024.

Who is This For?



10% OFF (Save  177 USD)
Early Bird until April 30th, 2024

1599 USD per couple

4 X Monthly Payments 

444 USD per couple



Love Alchemy Membership ADD-ON

When you PIF 

Bi-Weekly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Calls with Karina & Enrique + Unlimited Voxer Support - (Must Use Within 4 Month Container)

3333 USD

4 X Monthly Payments

922 USD



When you PIF (Pay in Full)


5 Day Love Alchemy  Valentine's Day Retreat - Tulum, MX

Gift yourself and your beloved this unique and transformational experience for Valentine's Day to honor your love and divine union.

Come join us at a beautiful retreat center, deep in the jungles of Tulum, Mexico.

Love Alchemy Retreat is designed for the conscious couple who is ready to do the inner work together in a unique and holistic healing style setting and space.

Master how to create and cultivate a conscious relationship and divine union.



Dates: February 11th-15th, 2025

5 Days, 4 Nights


No, Refunds are not available after 24 hours of making the payment and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Your results are your responsibility. 

Do you offer refunds?

Love Alchemy is a uniquely curated membership container that has been created for both the couple and individual that is ready to do their own personal inner work to heal wounds, take emotional responsibility and cultivate a conscious relationship and divine union. 

What is this program really about?

This program is open at this time ONLY for couples or individuals already in a relationship. If you sign up as an individual, then know that the themes and topics will still apply to you to practice personally or with family/friends if your partner is not open to this work, to give you the necessary tools/skills to cultivate a divine union. If you feel the pull to be in the container with us, then please reach out to us by sending an email to: and we will offer you an individual priced payment link. We want to make this accessible for all people and situations. 

Can I take this program if I am not in a relationship?

If you are in a relationship and your partner is not open to join you, remember that you are the one responsible for doing your own inner healing work. You can only lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink. If you decide to sign up and your partner doesn't, trust that the healing work you begin doing for yourself will radiate a light to them, and hopefully inspire them to take the steps to do their own personal healing too. Remember, you have the power to change yourself. If your partner is not supportive to this change, then you always have the choice to write a new story for the kind of relationship you are calling in. Therefore, if you feel the call to be with us inside of LAM, reach out to us by sending an email to: and we will send you the coupon code to sign up as an individual.

What if my partner/significant other doesn't want to join me?

Yes absolutely. This is why we decided to make the LIVE ZOOM CALL on SUNDAYS! There will be REPLAYS available if you ever miss a call with aligned actions tasks for you to complete each week, as well as an online SLACK Group to join to stay accountable.

Will this program work for someone who has a 9-5 job?

It is recommended that you do this course by joining all the LIVE calls throughout the 16 weeks that it runs, in order to get the most transformation. You DO have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Course Replays inside the Membervault Portal, where you can catch up/re-visit & move through them all at your own pace if you do need to pause. 

Can I do this course at my own pace?

You have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course portal and all teachings inside + updates, as long as this program exists.

How long do I have access to this program & what’s included?

Once you apply and we get on a call to see that this is an energetic match, then we will send you a payment link for the 1:1 Coaching Container. You will receive an email to book your 1:1 calls with us. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to book your calls with us within the 16 week period, from the day this program begins, and until it ends. If you FAIL to book your calls within this time frame, a maximum two week extension will be given to use the remaining calls.

How does the 1:1 Upgrade Support work?

Results and your transformational are completely up to you. When couples work within our containers, implement the learnings & take aligned action on attending all calls, completing all tasks, and commit to creating change in their lives, they ABSOLUTELY do see results and experience a massive transformation. We do not make empty promises to you - you are responsible for showing up and doing the work!

Can you GUARANTEE me any results?

This is NOT for the couple or individual that is choosing to stay small, repeat the same patterns and not be open to committing to creating change in their lives. This is not for the couple or individual that makes excuses for why they can’t invest the money, why it’s not the right time, or why they won’t have the time to start their healing journey. If you aren’t ready to prioritize your time/finances to invest 100% into yourself, then you are not meant to join this container. 

Who is this NOT for?

More Questions/concerns?



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