
Certified Shamanic Practitioners, Healers, Guides, Facilitators & Ceremonialists.

Karina and Enrique walk this path together with deep integrity, where they share an aligned mission to empower souls through their unique offerings such as sacred shamanic psilocybin ceremonies, shamanic sessions, plant medicine retreat immersions, couples ceremonies & couples retreats.

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on Instagram @themedicinecouple

Karina Dharma is a Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Guide, Healer, Medicine Woman & Retreat Faciltator.

Her mission is empower women to heal their ancestral lineage, reclaim their personal power and activate their purpose + share their unique gifts with the world.

Karina has empowered over one-hundred women to create the life they desire and deserve through her transformational shamanic retreats, private retreat immersions and women’s circles in Tulum, as well as through online mentorship and programs.

Karina and her partner walk this path together with an aligned vision to also empower souls through their unique offerings such as sacred shamanic psilocybin ceremonies, plant medicine retreat immersions, couples ceremonies, and couples retreats in Tulum. They also offer online conscious couples coaching with a focus on conscious communication, inner child healing and cultivating a sacred divine union.

Enrique is an Energy Healer, Sound Alchemist, Shamanic Practitioner and Co-Creator of The Medicine Couple.

Enrique is passionate about helping individuals transform their lives by expanding their consciousness and empowering them to become the medicine and heal emotional trauma.

As a co-creator of The Medicine Couple Enrique's mission is to empower souls through their unique offerings such as sacred shamanic psilocybin ceremonies, plant medicine retreat immersions, couples ceremonies, and couples retreats in Tulum.

 The Medicine Couple have served over 50 couples by giving them the tools to learn how to create healthy relationships dynamics through conscious communication and tantric practices.

Karina & Kike met at a spiritual gathering on the Mayan New Year on July 26th, 2021 in Tulum, Mexico. 

Twin Flames that were destined to meet, when the universe aligned them on the same path.

Karina & Kike have a deep spiritual connection, paired with the same values and vision for raising the consciousness of the planet together. 

They lead their lives by serving as guides and mirrors for others, to inspire them to also consciously create a life of peace, harmony & love. 

Meet Karina

Meet Enrique

Our Story

Apply for Private Couples Coaching

Have you been desiring to cultivate deeper connection, intimacy, patience, understanding, forgiveness, love and compassion with your partner?

Are you ready to learn conscious communication tools to release resentment and strengthen your self-love and divine union?

Our Ten Session Couples Coaching Program is designed for the couple that is ready and willing to commit the time and investment for doing their individual inner work, so that they can heal and release small stories that are no longer serving them or benefiting their relationship.

Who is This For? 

The Sacred Work

Throughout this Eight-Week journey, you will be guided throughout a comprehensive and effective program that we have consciously curated and tested first hand through our own journey and with other couples.

# 1 Why Being Present is Important + 
How to Practice This

# 2 Attachment Style Assessment + 
Moving into a Secure Attachment 

# 3 Understanding the Root of Triggers +
How Our Partner is Our Mirror

# 4 How to Handle Conflict Through Authentic Relating + 
Conscious Communication Tools

# 5 Taking Emotional Responsibility For Our Wounds +
Tantric Tools for Emotional Release & Forgiveness

Click Here to Connect With Us
on Instagram @themedicinecouple

Conscious Couples Coaching Client Testimonials

Before meeting Karina and Kike, I was working on myself a lot. Yet, I wasn’t feeling grounded and was struggling to feel at peace. In terms of my relationship, we were definitely struggling. We were struggling to feel connected, getting annoyed with each other and misaligned. 

I had resisted couples therapy for months because I didn’t feel like working with a traditional couples therapist would benefit us. After we did the Conscious Couples Ceremony with Karina and Kike in Dec 2022, I realized that there are other forms of therapy/coaching available. We decided to start working with Karina and Kike in 2023 because my partner and I knew that we needed some help getting our relationship back on track. 

I loved how sessions with Karina and Kike always had an element of meditation to get us grounded, tantric practices to do the work, and a sound bath to close. A lot of very valuable tools and practices were shared with us during our sessions but the things that were the most impactful were: 

#1 learning to hold space for each other to be able to communicate openly and to be able to share our resentments for one another in a safe space where nothing is taken personally.

#2 the forgiveness mantra - such a beautiful way to set ourselves up for open communication.

#3 writing the letter to openly express our resentments & forgive one another in our last session. 

#4 teaching us how to have conscious couples ceremonies on an ongoing basis. This is something I can see my partner doing at least monthly together. 

Communicating my feelings openly and honestly was my biggest challenge. Through the work we did with Karina and Kike, I feel a lot more empowered to express my feelings and do it in a way that is not confrontational or fueled by anger. Most importantly, I learned ways to express my resentment towards my partner that allowed me to let go, heal my wounds, and even find humour in it.

My partner and I are definitely in a much better place. We are more communicative. We have both willingly changed our behaviours to address the resentments that we had for each other. I imagine we have some new language to express our feelings to one another. And, I definitely believe we’re both consciously putting more effort into the relationship.

I would highly recommend this couples coaching to all couples. Karina and Kike created an extremely safe space for us to express ourselves and work on our relationship in-session.


Click Here to Connect With Us
on Instagram @themedicinecouple

Conscious Couples Coaching Client Testimonials

We initially met Karina and Kike in Tulum and did a couples ceremony with them. At the time, my relationship of 10 years was struggling and that ceremony brought us closer together and gave us hope. We felt very comfortable with them both and learned many good habits that we desired to implement and take further by signing up for their couples coaching program.

My partner had been growing in a different direction and I had remained stagnant, which distanced us. We were not each other's best friends anymore and bottled many resentments. We fought and bickered a lot. I imagined I was abandoned and that my partner was ready to call it quits after 10 years. I created small stories of betrayal that clouded my thoughts. The tools such as the forgiveness mantra helped us create a safe space to forgive and love each other again.

We worked through our emotions and ended up clearing the air to give the relationship a new and better foundation. I was able to release resentments and the small stories I created by taking responsibility and healing my own wounds. Karina and Kike are easy to talk to and quickly became our trusted and unbiased advisors. They have a wealth of knowledge in avoiding relationship pitfalls and cultivating a conscious relationship and divine union.
I recommend Karina and Kike for all relationships at any stages. Now that things are better in our relationship, I would recommend doing on-going sessions with them to avoid slipping back into past patterns that do not serve us. 


Conscious Couples Ceremony Testiminials 

My partner and I attended Karina and Kike’s couples ceremony to celebrate a beautiful end of our time in Mexico together. It was such a special way for us to celebrate our love as we were able to connect on such a deep level and it really helped us take our relationship to the next level. 

We felt very comfortable right from the beginning as both of them have this beautiful energy around them. Our favourite part was the authentic relating workshop! Through the prompts we were able to communicate things we’ve never communicated before and it was very healing in many ways. 

We both got very emotional and it was such a bonding experience as we cried together and got very vulnerable with each other. 

Looking back, the way Karina and Kike were holding space for us and the way they put this ceremony together was absolutely beautiful, with each exercise we were able to open up more and more and everything was flowing into each other perfectly. 

Thank you Karina and Kike for holding space for us, for letting us be open and vulnerable and for guiding us through such a special couple ceremony ✨

& Kollin